Bill Shorten’s UNEXCELLENT Adventure

Today Bill Shorten invited me to support a Royal Commission into the financial and banking sector. It is an attempt to corner the PM after the tongue lashing he delivered to the banking sector  yesterday.

No, no, no, no Bill. This is madness and a waste of tax-payers’ money.

Like most Australians I think the banks are ripping us all off but we don’t need a Royal Commission to tell us that. Regulate and police the sector instead of giving it carte blanche to do as it pleases.

Malcolm Turnbull presented you with a gift in targeting the Trade Unions with the threat of setting up the ABCC. You have an opportunity to be seen as the more magnanimous, logical and non-partisan leader. A Royal Commission into Malcolm’s beloved banking sector will only be seen as tit for tat.

Labor’s position should be that it supports the setting up of an independent commission to look at corruption in all sectors of business and government including Trade Unions.